No Mess is So Sweet | Tools

No Mess is So Sweet

Guys…just a heads up. Saturday, October 18th is Sweetest Day.

I know what you’re thinking, what the heck is Sweetest Day? Think Valentine’s Day, but in October.

This “hallmark holiday” is generally only celebrated in the Midwest and parts of the Northeast in the US, and according to this website, it commonly involves women giving their husbands or boyfriends candy. But from me to you, get your lady something to mark the holiday….a card, some candy, or a nice dinner out.

And if you are going to be on the jobsite that day, let me make another recommendation, especially if you are pulling wire. Ditch the old yellow wax wire pulling lubricant. I STRONGLY recommend you get Klein’s new Foam Wire Pulling Lubricant instead.

Why? Watch this…

Yeah, you definitely don’t want to be in that situation. That’s the beauty about the new Foam Wire Pulling Lubricant. There is no mess. How you ask?

First off, Foam Lubricant is dispensed directly into the conduit, no digging your hands into a big 5 gallon bucket of the other stuff. And it stays put! The foam formula won’t drip out of the conduit all over the floor or you. If you do happen to get some on your hands, no problem, because it dissolves clean.

Beyond that, one can of the Foam Lubricant has the same yield as four of the quart size bottles of wax or gel wire pulling lubricants. And one can of Foam Lubricant is MUCH easier to carry around the jobsite than all of those bottles or even a 5 gallon pail.

Now that you know all about Klein Tools’ new Foam Wire Pulling Lubricant, I’m guessing you want to try it out. So, here is a little Sweetest Day treat from us to you. Just tell us about your worst experience using the other stuff (gel or wax), submit the story here, and we’ll give away a FREE can of Foam Wire Pulling Lubricant to our favorite stories.

Simple, right? Now, submit your story, then go out and get a Sweetest Day card.

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