EXAIR Operational Status re: COVID-19 Coronavirus – update 04/03/2020

To all of our valued partners-

The US is just entering the most crucial phase of this outbreak, if the lessons of other countries are any guide.  Many of our distributor partners around the world have told us that they are facing social and business restrictions for the next 2-4 weeks as well.

The state of Ohio issued an amended order yesterday requiring most people to stay at home except for exempt activities through May 1st, 2020.  In large part, it simply extends the original stay at home order that was set to expire on Monday, April 6th.

After reading the amended order, EXAIR continues to be exempt from it as we were from the original order.  EXAIR is involved in nearly every industry listed by the Department of Homeland Security as critical industries, and those guidelines were part of the basis for the details of the order by the state of Ohio.

Many industries that we support like food, pharmaceutical, medical equipment and the like are absolutely critical right now.  Just in the past week, we have had orders and requests for technical help from customers making surgical masks, face shields and neutralizing contamination on personnel when entering a building.  At least one long-standing customer is involved with making COVID-19 test kits.  This is real and it affects all of us.

If they need us, we need to be there for them.  The Governor’s press conferences have stressed how important it is for everyone to keep supply chains moving, especially for critical industries.  EXAIR is part of that chain and will continue to do our part to the best of our collective abilities and we know our distributors around the world will continue to do the same.  Anything we can do to help with this crisis is worth doing.

At the same time, we take our responsibility to try to keep our employees healthy and safe very seriously.  We have modified our operations significantly in order to remain open to serve those who need us in a responsible manner.

  • We have divided our workforce into two different shifts, with another group working remotely.
  • Our two on-premises shifts are not in our facility at the same time
  • Common areas of our facility are sanitized between shifts and again at night
  • Personal work spaces are sanitized at the end of each shift
  • Our workstations are spread out to make sure we observe social distancing
  • We are screening all employee temperatures every day before their shifts

EXAIR operations will remain ongoing for the foreseeable future unless local conditions or government mandates require other actions.  As always, we will keep you up to date if those events occur.

Take care of yourselves and each other.

Bryan Peters

EXAIR Corporation

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