Head of the Class | Tools

Head of the Class

It’s back to school time! School supplies at seemingly every store you go to, big yellow buses moving slowly through traffic and Facebook news feeds full of pictures of kids heading off on their first day of school.

This time of year always makes me nostalgic. I was always one of those kids who actually LIKED going to school, and I credit a lot of that to my teachers. I was lucky enough to have great teachers from grade school all the way through college who taught me a lot, but also instilled in me a love of learning that I still have today.

I think we all have at least one teacher like that. Someone you remember to this day, as being the best/smartest/most inspiring/most challenging teacher you’ve ever had.

Those are the teachers that Klein Tools is looking to reward, but we’re looking for electrical or HVAC instructors in particular for our first ever Head of the Class award!

We’re looking for the best trade school instructors from across the country from candidates nominated.

Here is a quick video explaining how the nomination process works and how YOU can help pick the Grand Prize winner!

There is one small catch…you only have THREE days left to nominate your favorite instructor! Entries MUST be received by Monday, September 1st! Click here to submit your nomination.

Good Luck!

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