AtoZ – A Tour of () Tools | Tools

AtoZ – A Tour of (Klein) Tools

336…no, that’s not the number of days left in 2016. That’s actually the number of pages in the current Klein Tools tool catalog. What does that mean? It means we manufacture and sell A LOT of different types of tools!

Many of them you are probably already aware of and (hopefully) have many of them in your tool bag. But with 3,000+ tools brandishing the Klein name, you might be pleasantly surprised to learn the other products we offer.

Klein A-to-Z

Introducing Klein A-to-Z – a brand-new video series that will guide you, alphabetically, through the veritable breadth of the Klein Tools catalog. Every two weeks, for 26 weeks, we’ll release the next “letter video” featuring a tool or tools that correspond in some way with that week’s letter of the alphabet.
Curious to know more? Here is the first video of the series featuring the letter A:

Keep an eye out on, our Official Facebook page, and our YouTube Channel for new A-to-Z videos as we release them.

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